How to Reduce Bounce Rate

How to Reduce Bounce Rate

Want to know how to keep visitors longer on your website and reduce bounce rate?

High bounce rates can seriously impact your site’s performance. If visitors leave almost as soon as they arrive, you miss out on potential subscribers and customers, hindering your business growth.

In this article, we’ll discuss 7 easy ways to lower bounce rates and boost conversions.

But first…

What Is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who land on your site but leave before engaging with it further. This means they don’t visit any other pages or interact with elements like videos, forms, or links.

Visitors might leave your site quickly for many reasons. They might have trouble finding the information they need or feel that it isn’t user-friendly.

Essentially, if users can’t easily navigate your site or don’t find what they’re looking for, they’re more likely to “bounce.”

Having some bounces is completely normal. However, knowing what contributes to a high bounce rate and learning simple methods to improve it can make a big difference in your website’s success.

This is because reducing your bounce rate helps increase conversions and grow your business.

Let’s explore this topic a bit further.

Why Is Bounce Rate Important?

Understanding and reducing your bounce rate is essential for several reasons:

  • User Experience: A high bounce rate often indicates that visitors are not finding what they need or are having a poor experience on your site. Improving the user experience can lead to longer visits and more engagement.
  • Conversion Rates: Lowering your bounce rate can directly impact your conversion rates. When visitors stay on your site longer, they are more likely to take actions that are valuable to your business, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.
  • SEO Performance: Search engines like Google consider bounce rate as a factor in their ranking algorithms. This is because a high bounce rate might suggest that your site isn’t providing relevant or valuable content.
  • Insight into Website Issues: Analyzing bounce rates can help identify issues with your website. For example, high bounce rates on specific pages might indicate problems with page loading speed, content relevance, or usability.

By focusing on reducing the bounce rate, you can enhance user satisfaction, boost conversions, and improve your site’s position in search engine results.

Now, let’s move on to the heart of this guide.

7 Easy Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate

Now that you know what bounce rate is and why it’s so important, let’s explore some practical methods for keeping visitors on your site.

Reducing bounce rate doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, you can implement several straightforward strategies immediately.

Here are the methods we’ll cover:

  1. Ask Your Users for Feedback
  2. Have a Good User Experience
  3. Match Search Intent
  4. Have Focused and Clear Calls to Action
  5. Capture Visitors Before They Leave
  6. A/B Test When You Can
  7. Leverage Internal Links Effectively

1. Ask Your Users for Feedback

Feedback from visitors is incredibly valuable for understanding why they leave your site without engaging further.

By directly asking users about their experience, you can gather insights into what might be pushing them away and how to make necessary improvements.

Using a user feedback plugin or feedback software on your website is a great way to help reduce your bounce rate.

Not only can filling out your feedback survey count as a conversion in Google Analytics, but you also gain valuable feedback from people who didn’t find what they were looking for on your site.

One of the best tools for this purpose is the WordPress plugin UserFeedback.


With UserFeedback, you can implement a popup tab that appears either immediately or upon user interaction.

You can ask any questions you want and even connect the survey to Google Analytics, ensuring that every form submission counts as a conversion.

Simply adding a popup survey to your website can significantly reduce your bounce rate while providing candid customer feedback that can improve your business.

UserFeedback popup survey example

Additionally, this approach has the added benefit of collecting more metrics through different survey types.

For example, you could use an NPS® (Net Promoter Score) survey to measure customer loyalty while gathering other useful data.

Leveraging user feedback can help identify problem areas, enhance the user experience, and ultimately reduce bounce rate.

Get started with UserFeedback today!

2. Have a Good User Experience

Creating a good user experience (UX) is key to keeping visitors on your site. People who find your site easy and pleasant to use will likely stick around and explore.

Here are some important points to think about:

  • Site Speed: No one likes to wait! Aim to have your pages load in less than three seconds. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help you determine what’s slowing things down and how to fix it.
  • Easy Navigation: Make it simple to get around. Use clear menus and make sure important pages are easy to find. A well-organized layout helps visitors find what they need without any hassle.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: With so many people using their phones to browse, your site needs to look great on all screen sizes. A responsive design that adapts to different devices is crucial.
  • Clear and Compelling Content: Break up your content with headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it easy to read. Use images and videos to grab attention and keep visitors interested.
  • Minimal Distractions: Avoid overloading your site with ads, popups, or auto-play videos. These can be annoying and make people leave. Keep things clean and focused on your main content.

Focusing on these points can make your site more engaging and keep visitors around longer, reducing your bounce rate and boosting overall performance.

3. Match Search Intent

Matching search intent is crucial for keeping visitors on your site. The easiest way to explain search intent is with an example.

Imagine you’re writing an article on how to write a great book review.

Your keyword research shows that the long-tail keyword “how to write a book review” has many searches. So, you decide to use that phrase to inspire your writing.

You create an excellent article, and it ends up ranking on the first page of search results. However, you notice that it has a pretty high bounce rate.

What’s going on?

Before writing your article, you need to search for your focus keyword or phrase. It turns out that when someone searches “how to write a book review,” they’re looking for a step-by-step guide, not just tips.

Your article might be fantastic, but they’ll leave quickly if it doesn’t match what people are searching for.

In this case, the top result for “How to Write a Book Review” is a numbered guide.

how to reduce bounce rate - search intent

Other results on the first page are similar, offering structured guides.

On the other hand, your article offers tips instead of an easy-to-follow guide, which isn’t what users want.

To avoid this, always run a search and think about the users’ search intent before you start writing. This ensures your content matches people’s needs, keeping them on your site longer and reducing bounce rates.

4. Have Focused and Clear Calls to Action

A call to action (CTA) tells visitors to do something like “buy now,” “contact us,” or “start a free trial.” It’s an essential element for converting visitors and reducing bounce rates.

Here’s how to make your CTA effective:

  • Impossible to Miss: Your CTA should stand out on the page. Use contrasting colors, bold fonts, and strategic placement to ensure it’s visible.
  • Enticing: Make the action appealing. Use persuasive language that excites visitors about what you’re offering.
  • Easy and Fast: The process should be quick and straightforward. Visitors will likely leave if they find it too complicated or time-consuming.
  • Honest and Clear: Be upfront about what they’re getting. Avoid misleading claims and ensure your message is clear.

Here’s a great example from Harvest:

reduce bounce rate - use clear CTA

Their CTA is clear and compelling and includes the word ” free “. This magical word can significantly enhance the appeal of your CTA.

By focusing on creating a clear, enticing, and honest CTA, you encourage visitors to take the next step, which helps keep them engaged and reduces your bounce rate.

5. Capture Visitors Before They Leave

Sometimes, people leave your website no matter what you do. But there’s one last-ditch effort you can put in to keep them from bouncing.

OptinMonster’s Exit-Intent® technology lets you target people who are about to leave.

When they begin to move their mouse off the page’s screen, they see a message encouraging them to stay or take action.

Exit Intent - OptinMonster

That’s pretty cool!

When users are about to bounce, offer your site visitors an incentive to return. For example, you could offer a discount, free shipping, or access to exclusive content.

Include a subscription form to capture their email addresses for your next email campaign.

By targeting visitors who are about to leave, you can make a last effort to keep them engaged and reduce your bounce rate.

6. A/B Test When You Can

A/B testing, or “split testing,” allows you to publish two or more versions of a page or post to see which performs better.

Routine A/B testing can help you identify small (or big) tweaks to reduce your bounce rate. Sometimes, high bounce rates are due to minor details like the color of your CTA button.

Other times, it could be larger issues, such as how your landing page guides visitors through your sales funnel.

For example, an A/B test on call-to-action button colors showed that HubSpot had 21% more people clicking on a red button than a green one.

By routinely testing different elements of your website—like headlines, images, CTA buttons, and page layouts—you can find out what works best for keeping visitors engaged.

This helps you make data-driven decisions to improve your site and reduce your bounce rate.

Internal links are a powerful tool to guide visitors to other parts of your website.

However, it’s important not to overwhelm your content with too many links.

When your site has more information on a topic available on another page or post, provide a link to it. This encourages a natural flow, drawing visitors deeper into your website.

Here are some best practices for internal linking:

  • Don’t Overdo It: Overusing links can make content hard to read and overwhelm viewers. Aim for no more than one link every three sentences.
  • Be Relevant: Make sure the links are relevant to the content. If visitors find themselves on a page that isn’t what they expected, they will likely leave.

Consider using a plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) to streamline the internal linking process.

AIOSEO link assistant

AIOSEO’s Link Assistant addon generates an internal link report for your site, complete with suggestions for linking and anchor text.

You can easily add the suggested links to your page with a single click of a button.

By leveraging internal links effectively, you keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore your site further, reducing bounce rates.

And that’s it!

We hope you like our guide and easy methods to reduce bounce rate. Maybe you’d also like to read:

Haven’t tried UserFeedback yet? What are you waiting for?

And don’t forget to follow us on X and Facebook to learn more about collecting user feedback online.

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